On Wednesday July 12 the Gillingham FC Community Trust (GFCCT) Independent School joined schools and teams across the country in playing a Remembering Srebrenica memorial football match.

Remembering Srebrenica's annual 8-3-7-2 football tournament is part of Srebrenica Memorial Week, raising awareness of the Srebrenica Genocide and the importance of standing up to hatred and intolerance. The 8-3-7-2 tournament is named in honour of the 8,372 men and boys who were killed due to their faith in the Genocide in Bosnia-Herzegovina in 1995, and is supported by Asmir Begovic, the FA, Kick it Out and the ESFA.

Gills students and staff came together to mark the 22nd anniversary of the Srebrenica Genocide by engaging in a fun inter-school match, celebrating sport's ability to bring people together.

Former Gills player and GFCCT Equality and Diversity Officer Ian Cox joined the students to lead a minute's silence before the game, which was observed with respect and professionalism by all of the pupils.

Prior to the match, students had also been researching the Srebrenica Genocide in their lessons, understanding the atrocity and discussing the importance of tolerance and inclusion in society.

Teacher Katie Woodman, who led the lesson, said: "The students were really interested in it; it was a real learning experience, especially as it was something they didn't previously know anything about."

Reflecting on the match, Assistant Head of School Paolo Bottiglieri said: "I am really pleased with the student's engagement throughout the day, learning about Srebrenica and marking the anniversary through playing a football match with staff. The match was played in good spirits and everyone took part."

To find out more about Remembering Srebrenica, visit

You can also find out more about the work of Gillingham FC Community Trust here, or follow us on Twitter @GillsCommunity.