Elliot List and Greg Cundle spoke to pupils about their hard work

On Monday, March 20, first team players Greg Cundle and Elliott List visited Tymberwood Academy in Gravesend to talk to pupils as part of the school’s Inspiration Week.

The young Gills pair were speaking to an assembly of years four, five, and six, supported by the Gillingham FC Community Trust.  The players shared with the pupils how they were able to achieve their dream of becoming footballers, and the hard work that helped them get where they are today.

During the assembly, the players discussed the importance of training, fitness, healthy eating, and getting a good education, and the sacrifices and lifestyle choices they had to make in order to succeed.  The pupils also explored the right attitude to have when pursuing your dream career – whether that’s in football, policing, nursing, being a pilot, or any of the other ambitions shared by the children.

Both Greg and Elliott were clear on the importance of getting a good education.  They both gained qualifications and coaching badges with their respective Youth Academies, something that was especially important for them to do given the difficulty of being successful in the sport.  

For those wanting to go into football, the boys shared their best advice. “Keep going at it whatever happens,” encouraged Elliott, “Keep doing the right thing, and believe it will happen.”

“Working hard is the main thing,” added striker Greg, who made his League debut during the previous weekend’s game at Rochdale.  “You see players who are good – I’ve played with players who are better than me – but they’re nowhere now because their attitude wasn’t right and they didn’t work hard enough, so work hard.”

As well as talking careers and football, the pupils also had a chance to ask the boys a few more personal questions, like their favourite food (lasagne for Elliott, sweet potato for Greg),and whether or not they had any pets (yes, a cat and a tortoise!)

By the end of the session, the pupils were inspired to work hard, have a good attitude, and believe in themselves to achieve their dreams, just like Greg and Elliott had.

“The children really enjoyed meeting the players, and the visit hopefully gave a few of them food for thought about what they need to do,” said teacher Ann Hopkins, who organised the visit. “Huge thanks to Elliott and Greg for giving up their time to speak to our children.”

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