Eaves: "We were disappointed not to win"

Striker disappointed not to clinch victory against Bury.

Gills striker Tom Eaves was disappointed after Gillingham’s 1-1 draw against relegation rivals Bury on Saturday afternoon at MEMS Priestfield Stadium, but was pleased that the side were able to continue their unbeaten run and claim a point.

He specifically commented on the frustration that the Gills were unable to capitalise on a brilliant second half performance to claim all three points, saying:

“It was a hard-fought point. They had a few good spells in the first half, but we changed the formation and I felt that worked well for us.

“We dominated in the second half – for large spells of the game we were on top and I think ultimately we are disappointed not to get the win.

Hopefully we are going to snowball it now – it’s another game that we haven’t been beaten so it’s another big game for us Saturday against Walsall.”

Eaves also spoke about playing alongside Conor Wilkinson after he was introduced at the start of the second half and goal-scorer Josh Parker.

“Credit to Conor: he came in and did well – I’m pleased for him. It takes a load off me a tiny bit and lets me take a chance to get in behind and play on the shoulder a bit more.

“It was a great finish by Josh. You’ve got to be there to put them in and he was another one who I thought did really well today, he worked hard.”


Finally, Eaves looked ahead to Walsall and his hopes that the team can start to climb the table.

“Now we’ve got to go to Walsall and put in a performance. We’re certainly not deterred by away games at the moment, we fancy ourselves.

“We just have to keep climbing the table. We’re a threat to anybody and we’ve proved we can go and get great results against top teams.

“We certainly have the players and the ability and it’s just a matter of getting that consistency which I’m sure will come.”