Gaffer at the Weekend

Steve Evans answers a few questions following Saturday's game against Coventry.

Q. Having had chance to reflect on Saturday's game, what are the main positives you can take from the performance?

A.  The positives from Saturday were all in the second-half of the match, although we should have turned level when we missed a big chance to equalise before the break.

After the interval the lads were terrific. We dominate for long periods and there is no doubt Coventry City were hanging on for the win.

Q. Players gave it everything in the second half to try and force an equaliser and their keeper has had to pull off a top drawer save to deny us one?

A. The reality is that we had lots of the ball in the final third but we never made their goalkeeper work hard enough. The one save he had to make from Mikael's Ndjoli's free-kick was stunning but we evidently needed more than that.

Q. The supporters travelled in numbers and were behind the boys from start to finish. That togetherness and backing is going to be important going forwards?

A. The supporters, like all of us, will be disappointed with the first half but pleased with the response after the interval.

The supporters are vital, essential going forward. This is a new team and it will reward them so we really all have to be in this together.

Q.  You said the club would be actively looking to add to the group. Are you confident a couple of new signings will come in before the deadline?

A. Yes, hopefully we can get a few new players in over the next week or so.

The Chairman and myself have worked a lot of hours on these so it will be a reward but needed if we can secure these players.

Everyone knows our squad is wafer thin so everything has been done that can be for us to add to the group.

Q. You have a behind closed doors game on Tuesday. Is that just to get a few more minutes in a few more legs?

A. Yes, 100%.

It is important that all the players get minutes so they are fully match fit to play when asked.

This is an excellent squad of players, time will prove me right.