Gaffer's Christmas Message

A Christmas Day message from the Manager.

May I take this opportunity to wish everyone inside and outside of Gillingham Football Club a very Merry Christmas.

Today each of us will hopefully enjoy a beautiful day, but equally remember in our thoughts those in our families and, of course, our dear friends who have not made it through the year. They may not be with us in person, but not to be forgotten. A special prayer also for those not so fortunate.

Included in my private prayers at Church today will be that as many people as possible in our families and friends lives will be with us on this special day next year, hopefully God is kind.

On a personal level I want to especially thank the people of Gillingham for being so very kind to me as I’ve gone about my work here at the Football Club, and recently in the community, at times this work is so hard but without doubt very worthwhile.

The Gills fans are one very passionate lot and I can say now this Christmas Day that I am very proud to lead your team, of course helped and assisted by my Chairman, some incredible behind the scenes staff, and of course my players.

To our supporters, I applaud you from the bottom of my heart.

My gratitude for the staff who work at MEMS Priestfield Stadium behind the scenes is enormous. Their great work ethic knows no boundaries as does their desire for their team to be winning football matches, at times you ladies and gents have kept my spirits high.

To those people still working in Medway and nationally today, namely the Police, Doctors, Hospital and emergency staff, many many thanks.

From my office at Priestfield, may everyone have a great Christmas.

Up The Gills!
