Vouchers for season ticket holders ready for collection

Season ticket holders who were promised vouchers earlier this year can now collect them from the club's ticket office.

The club can now confirm that the vouchers that were promised to season ticket holders who purchased in between the two early bird windows earlier in the year can now be collected from the ticket office on Redfern Avenue.

We apologise for the delay in making these available, and we thank you for your patience.

For those who are not aware of the vouchers that were promised, for the purposes of clarification, the below should be of assistance.


What are these vouchers?

Fans may recall in July that Chairman Paul Scally announced that a second early bird season ticket window would be introduced from the end of July until August 3, in order to help Pack Priestfield ahead of the 2019/20 season, following the appointment of Steve Evans as Manager.

As a result, it was promised that those individuals who had purchased season tickets in between the two early bird windows would be given vouchers to spend inside the stadium, which would amount to the value of the difference between the price of the early bird season ticket, and the amount which was ultimately paid.

For instance, if an adult purchased a season ticket in the Rainham End during either of the early bird windows, they would have paid £300. Outside of these windows the price would have been £350; therefore £50 worth of vouchers will be issued to that supporter.


I can’t remember when I purchased my season ticket, so how do I know if I am receiving vouchers?

If you cannot remember when you purchased your season ticket, feel free to ring the ticket office on 01634 350350 quoting your customer number and one of our team will be able to let you know whether or not vouchers have been printed for you.

The dates of the early bird windows were 9th April – 30th April and 26th July – 3rd August.


Where can I use these vouchers and when do they expire?

In short, anywhere inside the stadium up until, and including, January the first of 2020. Your vouchers will clearly indicate what they are individually worth and at what points around the stadium they can be used*.

*Home league games only


Will I be given change if I don’t spend the full amount?

No, you won’t be issued change so we advise that you spend the full amount of the voucher where possible.


Will only adult season ticket holders receive these vouchers?

No. Anybody that purchased a season ticket in between the two early bird windows will have vouchers available to them.


 I can’t get to the ground to collect my vouchers. What shall I do?

No problem. Email ticketoffice@priestfield.com with your customer number, confirming your postal address, and we will get these to you ASAP.

 If you still have questions, then feel free to give us a call on 01634 300000/350350, visit us in person on Redfern Avenue or email ticketoffice@priestfield.com.