Ehmer | "Everybody is doing what they can"

Skipper keen to finish season once Football resumes.

Gills skipper Max Ehmer says although it is strange not being able to play Football at the moment, he says the health and wellbeing of everybody must come first.

Professional Football will now not take place until April 30 at the earliest which will leave a number of fixtures still to be played, but the Club Captain is adamant the current season must be finished.

Speaking to the club website he said: “It’s weird and completely unheard of. Here we are in March and there’s no Football, but you have to look at the bigger picture because everyone’s health and wellbeing has to come first.

“I have a wife and children who I need to look after more than anything so not being at training reduces the contact you have with others and that’s the same across Europe in a majority of sports.

“Personally, I can’t see how you can just end the season with nine or ten games to play, especially if you are a top three or four side fighting for promotion or battling at the other end. It would go against all of the hard work you have put in to get there in the first place.

“Whatever decision is made I’m sure it will be the right one, but I think the season has to be completed.”

Manager Steve Evans confirmed earlier this week that all players have been given their own individual training programmes, and Ehmer says all members of the squad will be doing everything they can so they are in good shape once full training resumes.

He added: “Everyone will be doing what they can and working very hard but obviously it’s difficult to replicate the 11 v 11 or the sessions that are put on in a proper training session. We will keep on top of our work and keep going.

“I’ve spoken to the majority of the boys; we are taking it day by day and we are listening to the Prime Minister when he delivers his daily update.

“We will do as much as we can; it’s like a mini pre-season really but once we are back I’m sure the Manager, Rayns [Paul Raynor] and Jamma [James Russell] will get us back up to speed.”

Finally, Max commented on the death of Peter Whittingham who sadly passed away earlier this week at the age of 35.

“I played against him when he was at Blackburn Rovers,” he said. “It’s really sad news and our thoughts are with his family and friends.”