Gaffer at the Weekend

Some thoughts from the Gills boss.

Q: Although disappointed to lose to Hull, what positives were you able to take from the performance?
A1: Firstly let me say that, in reality, there was little in the game as far as chances were concerned. They had three and scored two as opposed to our two chances which we missed, one of them the easiest by far.
We let ourselves down and lacked most that is good about our play but credit to Hull City who went about their business properly. They looked strong and will be a strong contender for the top two, in fairness the resources on offer should deliver that. 
Q: Conceding early always gives a team a mountain to climb. Did you get the response you were after?
A2: We got an excellent response and should have levelled immediately when we created a great chance.
At this level you need to take those but at all levels they get missed and the answer is to work hard on the training ground to take them next time they are created.
Q: John Akinde missed a good opportunity at 0-1, although such things happen, was your message after the game that these have to be taken when games are so tight?
A3: As I have said many times previously, goals change games, and the flow of them increases as confidence grows.
Working harder and smarter during the week helps you be ready to take, and create, those opportunities but in fairness the lads are doing that.
Effort was never in question yesterday, we simply did not perform at the levels we are capable of, and that is the disappointment.
Q: How many more players do you think you need in order to complete your squad?
A4: We certainly need three, then we should be fine. 
We are light in a few key areas but let’s see where we go in the next few weeks on that.
Q: Kyle Dempsey came off with a twisted ankle on Saturday. Is it too early to decide if he will be for the Wigan trip?
A5: Yes it’s too early. He landed awkwardly and rolled his ankle. The lad will be scanned tomorrow morning and we will go from there.
Q: It's Coventry at home on Tuesday. Although I am sure you will respect the competition, will you also rest a few players with Wigan in mind?
A6: There will be a number of changes. The competition is not a priority and given how small our squad is we need to focus on our league campaign.
Q: What was your main message to the players following the full-time whistle?
A7: There was real disappointment in the dressing room afterwards. We need to be much improved was my words, but the lads knew it themselves.
Q: Are you hopeful of adding to the squad ahead of next Saturday's trip? 
A8: It’s too early to say, but we are trying to do a few positive things. 
Q: It's been mentioned several times but, particularly at home, how difficult is it to build momentum in a game without supporters being in the ground?
A9: No team has supporters to help them, so it is what it is.
Our supporters are brilliant and we more than most miss them, but for now we get on with it.
Q: Reflecting on Saturday's game, what are your overriding thoughts going forward?
A10: Only positive thoughts. We have good players, good young men, and I know we will get a good reaction.