Club Notice | COVID-19 Plan B

Please be aware of the below advisory notice.

Under new Government, and SGSA (Sports Ground Safety Authority) guidelines, at this moment in time, due to the fact MEMS Priestfield Stadium is not currently welcoming the necessary threshold figure, we are not obliged to implement the majority of COVID Plan B restrictions. This means those attending the venue will not need to show proof of double vaccination, or perform an antigen test before arrival.*

Likewise, hospitality areas at the stadium, at this present moment, have less than the required attendance threshold of implementing plan B. This applies for events too, such as weddings and private functions etc, however appropriate guidance will be supplied on a case by case basis dependent on the area that is booked, the nature of the event, and amount of people expected.

However, we are going to advise all guests to wear face coverings (unless exempt) until they are either dining or have taken their seats. We are going to inform all club staff it is advisable to wear a face covering whilst in covered/indoor areas, and also undertake regular antigen tests.

Similarly, we would advise supporters who are attending the stadium to wear a face covering until they are in their assigned seats. However, at this moment, it is not a requirement.

Red and Purple zone restrictions remain in force. Hand sanitisers will be available around the ground and indoor areas will be as well ventilated as possible.

If you feel unwell, please do not attend a fixture unless you have returned a negative lateral flow test.


*subject to change