Lloyd | "We will fight for the club and the fans"

Danny Lloyd says the Gills will look to take maximum points from the two fixtures leading up to Christmas.

Attack-minded midfielder Danny Lloyd has promised that Gillingham will be fighting “tooth and nail” in their crunch games against Fleetwood and Crewe, two sides sitting uncomfortably with the Gills in the bottom four.

In the most unforgiving of seasons at ME7 which has seen the injury-ravaged squad hit by setback after setback, points have become more vital than ever. Lloyd, ahead of Saturday’s fixture with The Cod Army, says that the players available will be aiming for nothing less than two wins from the next two games.

Speaking with local press , he said: “Everyone in the Club is feeling it. We can’t seem to get through 90 minutes without a senior pro getting injured. We are not getting a specific injury each time, it’s arms, hamstrings then knees; I’ve never seen anything like this before. It felt like the rug was swept from underneath us on Tuesday when Max went down. Hopefully we can avoid any more injuries on Saturday and we might have a few more bodies back.

“It is strange times that we find ourselves in. End of the day, we have a fixture and we are still fighting. We are short on numbers but we are in the trenches and anyone who is put out there on Saturday will fight for the Club and the fans. We are aware that we represent this Football Club every time we put the shirt on. Id’ like to ask the fans to stick with us. The lads are giving everything for your Football Club; we are giving everything every single day. As players we really appreciate your support.

“I will put my body on the line every week for 90 minutes for the Club. That’s what I do and that’s what I get paid for, I’m a footballer. You don’t hear a postman complaining about delivering too many letters, do you? At the moment I feel good physically and I’m just mentally preparing myself to go to a tough game against Fleetwood on Saturday, where we must get a result. I’m ready to rock n’roll.

“Regardless of who is on the pitch, we know we have to start getting some more points. This feels like a 6-pointer. We have to win on Saturday and we have to win against Crewe. We have to be looking to take maximum points. We are going to have to fight tooth and nail. We are going there with the intention of getting three points.”