Gills donate to help fund an operation for club legend

Club donates £1k to help fund an operation for former keeper.

Gillingham Football Club has donated £1000 to a JustGiving page that is raising funds to assist former player Jim Stannard receive an operation.

The legendary goalkeeper, now 58, requires an operation for prostate which, due to the current situation in the world with Covid, the NHS waiting list is over a year, and unfortunately the P.F.A will not fund it as it is not Football related.

The target is £10,000 and, already, 25% of that has been achieved.

Jim signed for the Gills in the summer of 1995 having made 446 appearances for Fulham across two spells. While at Priestfield, the stopper featured 126 times.

His final appearance came against Manchester City at Maine Road in November 1998. The game finished 0-0. 

In the summer of 2020, Jim gave an exclusive interview to the club website which can be seen on YouTube.

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