Gaffer at the Weekend

The Gills boss answers a few questions in his weekly round-up.

Q: Having had chance to reflect, and perhaps watch clips of yesterday's game, what is your overriding emotion you can take from the result?
A1: There is no getting away from the fact that we dropped two points.
We started brilliantly and the game should have been over but a sloppy 20 minutes cost us. The basics in defending need to be applied for 90 plus minutes, and not 70!
We laid siege in the second half and peppered their goal but we couldn’t find the breakthrough, but credit to the Donny lads who defended heroically and helped them get a point.
Q: We were 2-0 up inside 5mins. As a manager do you, or have you ever, sometimes thought "we've scored too early?"
A2: I would rather my team was two nil ahead in every match so I don’t subscribe to that type of nonsense.
We didn’t take advantage of the start and we must all learn from that.
Q: Vadaine scored again of course. When you have a striker in such good form it must give you a lot of encouragement when you take your seat in the dugout?
A3: Vadaine has been in brilliant form and it’s special to see because he is getting his rewards for all his hard work.
If we make chances the big fella will take a high number of them so he relies on the boys as much as they do him.
Q: Alex MacDonald has played in the last couple of games and had a superb afternoon. He covered every blade of grass?
A4: Macca is like Vadaine in that a lot of his game is about his energy and desire.
He has a big part to play, in fact, all the lads do as we have such a small squad. I did think Tommy O’ Connor came on and was excellent so that’s great too.
Q: Conceding twice in such a short space of time is always frustrating. What was the main instruction to the lads at half time?
A5: At half-time the lads responsible knew they had made mistakes and honesty in our dressing room is key, so we quickly moved forward to talk about the second half.
Apart from scoring I could not ask anything more from them. We did enough to score three or four in that period alone but we didn’t take advantage of the good chances we made.
Q: You have a free midweek now. Is that welcomed just to give the boys some rest? What's the plan for the week ahead?
A6: The lads don’t need a rest, they are incredibly fit and feeling fresh.
The free midweek will allow us to do some further but essential work on the training ground that midweek matches doesn’t allow for.
Q: Is Stuart okay? No concussion issues or serious injury to worry about?
A7: Thankfully Stuart is fine and will be in training this week.
Kyle Dempsey and Stuart were in total control of the game in the period before he came off and I do believe had he stayed on we would have got the goal needed.
His industry and desire are infectious and we are stronger with him.
Q: It's Hull City next week. A huge test but they must be the type of games that really fire you up?
A8: I get fired up for every game and Hull City is no different to any other.
What we know is we are away at the league leaders, they have a squad full of Championship players and a manager who I like and have the highest respect for.

A big challenge for all of us so now we must work hard on the training ground this week to be ready for such a task.