GFC School to undertake Rainham End steps challenge for Red Nose Day!

Steps challenge to be taken on by the GFC School on Red Nose Day.

The GFC School love a challenge… and they don’t get much bigger than ascending Mount Everest!

This Friday, staff and students are ready to climb those Rainham End steps as a team no less than 1,297 times to raise money for Red Nose Day.

The school, which is currently aiming to achieve the UNICEF Rights Respecting School Award, has been gearing up the students for this colossal challenge by teaching lessons about the biggest mountain above sea level and working on resilience, fitness and endurance in P.E classes.

Organising teacher Nick Horton said: “Red Nose Day is such a fantastic cause and our students are really motivated by the challenge. They have been talking about it all week, and everyone is excited to take those first steps.”

“This will be far from easy,” added P.E teacher Craig Wildman, “but we have said to our students that if they can conquer Mount Everest, then they can conquer anything!”

To donate to the fundraiser, with all proceeds going to Comic Relief, please visit the following link: