Take part in the UK Sport fans survey

Supporters are being consulted regarding their thoughts and opinions as stadia prepare to welcome fans back to venues.

Gillingham supporters are being asked to complete a UK Sport fans survey as venues across the country prepare to welcome spectators back.

As things stand, fans are not permitted into sports grounds until May 17 at the earliest, but this survey gives you the opportunity to register any concerns you may have, or what precautions need to be considered before mass crowds can be accepted.

Among the topics covered, the survey asks supporters how they feel about coming back to live sporting events both in football and across the broader sporting landscape. The results of the survey will help the EFL make the case to Government for the speediest possible safe return of supporters.

The UK Sport survey forms one part of a wider piece of work the EFL will be conducting on the return of fans over the coming weeks and months.

Fans have until March 31 to register their views.