Gaffer at the Weekend

The Gaffer answers some questions following Saturday's draw at Bolton.

Q: Removing the raw emotion from yesterday's result, how do you assess the performance at Bolton?
A1: As we all know football can be a cruel game at times, and yesterday certainly was.
We missed a host of very easy, bread and butter chances to go 3,4, 5 or even 6 ahead in the first 70 minutes.
We paid a price late on with again poor defensive individual errors.
It was a long journey home but we move on with lots of positives.
Q: We dominated the vast majority of the first half. We had chances to score a couple more; was the disappointment at the interval that the game wasn't done and dusted?
A2: It was certainly a concern as we really should go in at half time a minimum of 4 ahead.
I don’t think it is possible to play another game when we miss the easy chances we created.
We go back on the training ground and we work hard. We all know we are thin on the ground squad wise but it is what it is.
Q: Up until the last 15 minutes we looked fairly untroubled at the back. Jamie Cumming in particular looked very assured?
A3: We were as comfortable as any team could be for 70 minutes then we did not work hard enough on our defensive shape. Ultimately that cost us the win!
Q: What positives do you take from the game? It may have felt like a defeat but it was another point on the board?
A4: It still feels like a defeat on Sunday morning. It was a game that as we said should have been done and dusted.
The positives are we dominated for long spells, created numerous easy chances and it is a point on the board.
Q: I'm sure you will make as many changes as you possibly can for Tuesday's game. Is there a chance for a few players now to stake a claim for next weekend?
A5: There is always a chance for players to stake a claim, whether that be in a game or training.
Tuesday will be of no interest to me other than watching what players demonstrate by performance they should be starting on a regular basis.
Telling me in my office they deserve to start matches cuts no ice, they get in by performing on the grass.
Q: Is Mustapha Carayol likely to sit out again to be ready for Accrington?
A6L Unlikely I would say, but we will give him every chance.