Academy head to Seville for educational and sporting trip

Academy head to Spain for educational and sporting visit.

Members of the club's academy have recently flown to Seville in Spain for an educational and sporting trip, which has been fully funded by the LFE (League Football Education) and the EU.

The trip has been postponed twice due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but finally the team were able to recently make the journey where they will play three fixtures and travel to local places of interest to form part of the educational element.

Youth team coach Mark Moss has been joined by Jason Lillis on the trip with the likes of Freddie Carter, Sam Gale and Alex Giles all in the travelling party.

They landed safely on Sunday afternoon and will spend twelve days in the country before returning to the UK for their first league game of the 2022/23 season.


We wll provide regular updates on their trip via our social media platforms.