Turner | "I feel this is the best place to kick on"

Former Newcastle keeper feeling good ahead of the new season.

Jake Turner says he is aiming to put his “name out there” after signing for the Gills.

The young shot stopper, 23, who has England youth team experience and was recently released by Premier League outfit Newcastle United, followed fellow keeper Ashley Maynard-Brewer through the door at ME7, and it’s fair to say that he has big ambitions.

“I am here to get as many games as I can this season,” he said. “I feel like this is the best place to kick on and kick start my career. Hopefully we can get Gillingham back to where they should be.

“I spoke with my agent a lot and my family. I spoke with the gaffer and Deren, they seemed liked great guys. They were telling me how much they could bring me on. They watched clips of me and they picked out the things I do well and what I can work on.

“It’s been really good since arriving. All the lads and staff have been welcoming. I feel like I have settled in well; training has been good. I‘m just looking forward to the pre-season games and the new season starting. It’s a great group of lads and I’m looking forward to my time here.

“I was quite open minded with where I ended up but it’s quite a trip, about six hours in the end. I don’t really mind the change of location too much.  It’s a good time for me to meet new people and see a new place. I will enjoy my time down here.

“Ash (Maynard-Brewer) is a great lad and we get on well in training and outside of training. I think it’s good that keepers have that sort of relationship.

“I’m quite loud on the pitch. I try to be as commanding as I can for crosses. I like to man my area as best I can. I’m feeling good ahead of an important season.”