GFC School receive the UNICEF Silver Rights Respecting School Award

The GFC School are very proud to have received the UNICEF Silver Rights Respecting School Award.

The award recognises a school's achievement in putting the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child into practice within the school and beyond.

After achieving ‘Bronze: Rights Committed’ in June 2021, the school have continued to demonstrate that they are dedicated to learning about, and fighting for, children’s rights in the school and wider community.

This valuable work at The GFC School has been done through academic lessons, thought-provoking assemblies and well-planned events, and it is lived in the day-to-day life of the school.

During a virtual visit with UNICEF, the GFC’s UNICEF student committee showed excellent knowledge of their rights as they discussed all the positive work they have done, which includes volunteering in the local community, running anti-bullying campaigns, observing and celebrating various key awareness dates and attending local debates to discuss important local issues.

“We have embedded the UN Convention on the Rights on the Child into our policy, practice and culture,” said Director of Education Sue Wade. “Learning about these rights has had an incredibly positive impact on our school. We are delighted to have been awarded the Silver Award but the hard work certainly does not stop here.

“I am unbelievably proud of all of the staff and the students who attend The GFC School.  We are all very excited about now going for the Gold Award.”


A huge congratulations to everyone at the school; keep up the fantastic work!