Nichols | "We grew into the game"

Focus is on winning the next game, says Gills striker.

Three goals and three deserved points from a dominant Gillingham side sent the Priestfield crowd into raptures, as goalscorer Tom Nichols and his team-mates found their groove against Salford.
Nichols bagged his first of the season in Stephen Clemence's first home league game and now he wants to wash, rinse and repeat in an effort to get back amongst the division's frontrunners.

"It's been a very good day," reflected the attack-minded player after the impressive 3-1 victory. "I got my first goal of the season, so it's really good for me to get off the mark. Three goals at home and a victory, it's been a really good day.

"They are a really good possession-based side and have been for a couple of years now, so there were going to be spells when they had the ball. We grew into the game and we had a lot more possession and territory and pretty much controlled the game.
"We re-grouped really well after their goal and then pretty much took control for the rest of the game."
And take control they most certainly did; with time running out and already three goals chalked up, the Gills went in search of more.
"We really went for it," said Nichols. "I am playing more like myself now and I really needed a goal. It felt like it was coming and I have been getting in the right areas. I got some good service in the box today and I am just really pleased to score a goal. I haven't scored enough this season, and that is something I will be working on.
"The crowd were great, but they always are to be honest. They have always been behind us and, in the second half, I thought we were really good. The crowd and team work in tandem, if you play poorly then you are not giving them much to shout about. I thought we did well today and they really responded.
"We have been doing a lot of work on the way the Gaffer wants us to play. We are going to keep working hard and hopefully move ourselves back up the table. We are not looking too far ahead, we just want to keep winning games of football."