Bonner | "We want to create a real chemistry between supporters and players"

Mark Bonner says it is important to have a positive chemistry between the club's players and support base.

Manager Mark Bonner says he will work hard to ensure there is a chemistry between the players and the fan base ahead of the 2024/25 season.

The 38-year-old agreed a two-year deal to become Gillingham boss last week and has immediately set out to create a special bond from the terraces to the pitch.

“Ambition is really key and the owners are really ambitious and the supporters are too,” Mark said. “But not just ambitious for a winning football team, but ambitious for what they see from their team, ambitious for creating a culture where everyone comes together.

“I think that's a strength of mine and builds a real identity as a team and as a club. In the end, we really want to build a team that players want to play in and supporters love watching.

“That's the dream. That's what we're trying to work with.

“I think  it takes a lot of people for a team to be successful so most importantly is that we find a real collaboration and a real chemistry between supporters and players within the team that everybody goes together towards the same aims.”

One of Mark’s immediate priorities is to look at the market and identify players that will improve the squad alongside the club’s recruitment team.

The former Cambridge boss said a lot of work has already been done, and there is a clear plan in place to bring in what is required to take the team to the next level.

He added: “If we are going to build a team that is a force in the league, which we want to be, and everybody wants to be at this time, we’ve got to get to work on adding to the squad and bringing in players that can help us get better – that’s the fundamental thing.

“The most important thing on the radar right now and alongside that it’s making sure we are really well organised and prepared for pre-season so those six weeks we can build a unity in the team, a cohesion, clarity and understanding in what do we stand for first, in terms of values and behaviours, what are we as a team and how do we adapt in season.

“We have got to put all of these things together which is a great task but we have got time to prepare for it, that’s what is exciting. I think we can plan something that gives us the foundation to start well in pre-season and then the work starts to be ready for August.”