Pitch hire opportunities available

Fans Pitch

Ever wanted to play on the main turf at MEMS Priestfield Stadium?

Well, here's your chance!

This summer we are delighted to announce that pitch hire opportunities will once again be available following the success of our offerings in 2024.

A number of dates and times have been put in place for teams to use the dressing rooms and play a full 90-minute game on the Priestfield surface.

Whether you already play together in Sunday league or form a team full of friends and family, we are able to accommodate you. 


Dates available are:

Sunday April 27 - Sunday May 18 (inclusive)*

Arrival times: 11:15, 14:45 and 18:15

Kick-Off Times: Midday, 15:30 and 19:00

Departure Times: 14:15, 17:45 and 21:15


*subject to availability 


Facilities available: 

  • Home dressing room
  • Away dressing room
  • Dugouts
  • Lower tier of the Magnus Search Medway Stand (for guest spectators)


Each match will consist of the following:

  • Two 45-minute halves
  • 15 minute interval
  • Facility use 45 minutes before kick-off and 30 minutes after the final whistle


Optional Extras:

  • The hiring of a Kent FA qualified referee 
  • Use of the floodlights for the late kick-off 
  • Refreshments at half-time


The price of each hire is £1500 + VAT.

Contact sales@priestfield.com or call 01634 300000 for more information.