Gills Manager looking for immediate response...

Martin Allen is hoping he can further strengthen his first team squad in the January transfer window.

The window opens on New Years’ Day and the Gills boss is eager to make additions in a few areas to improve the team.

He said: “I think that’s been well documented – we just missed out by one minute on transfer deadline day for a very important position [David Wright, Central Midfielder] and there are one or two other places we are looking to improve.

“We are always looking to improve on and off the field whatever we do. We are always looking that way with the help from the Chairman and with Andy Hessenthaler – we are working all the time to make us better.”

Before the New Year Gills have one more fixture to contend with, that being against Northampton Town at MEMS Priestfield on Saturday, and Martin believes it presents a great opportunity to bounce back immediately after defeat to Barnet.

He said: “We didn’t set out to be that yard slower [against Barnet] so you have to try and help them – you have to be firm, assertive and encouraging. Players don’t like coming off when have they just been booed, it hurts. It hurts all of us to be honest – I don’t like it either.

“We have to work together and for six months we have done it really well and I think we have the most points in the country for the games played so in such a bad period that’s not bad going.

“We know what they are about and we have to impose our own style on the game and play with real quality.

“If you play well and don’t get it then that’s fine but we know we can all do better and it was a great opportunity so we now have to get ourselves ready, mentally, physically and tactically for Northampton.”

Martin was asked if he felt having a second home fixture just three days after Barnet was an advantage.

He replied: “Someone told me we had over 7,000 fans here which is a lot of supporters to have at Christmas time and we had over 8,500 at the previous game so I think it’s an advantage. Getting booed or shouted at when your team doesn’t win hurts and we now have a chance to do something about it pretty quick.

 “Everybody has been wounded but we’ll come here again on Saturday and what a great opportunity to get out there and strut our stuff.”