Martin gives us the latest on Romain Vincelot

Good Morning

First and foremost I spoke to Romain Vincelot yesterday afternoon and apart from a headache and a stiff neck he is feeling fine. He will now be assessed by our Doctor, Harbinda Singh, and we will review if he can start training on Thursday.

Our Physio Gary Hemens did a remarkable job to clear his airways and, on behalf of everyone at Gillingham Football Club, I must thank the medical team at Rotherham Football Club for their prompt, swift excellence in helping and supporting Gary and Romain.

Special thanks to all the people that were able to make the trip up north to support our team. It is always difficult financially at this time of year but our supporters sung  their hearts out and backed our players in the same way our players supported each other.

On Saturday we face another test against a good Fleetwood team with a new Manager. I can’t wait for 2.52pm on Saturday, to walk out of that dressing room, get  the vibe off the music and see our team put on a proper performance for all the paying public and, of course, the prawn sandwich brigade.

Have a lovely day