Sherwin Knight Junior advance in Half Time Shoot Out...

St Thomas of Canterbury Roman Catholic Primary School and Sherwin Knight Junior School battled in Saturday’s half-time shoot out during last weekend’s game against Fleetwood Town.

The players had seven seconds to score from the edge of the D and could chose to dribble and shoot or simply fire one at goal. The keepers were allowed to move off their line as soon as the whistle sounded and put the striker under pressure meaning that they both had to think and act fast.

Having both been in previous half-time shoot outs they knew what was in store as they stepped out to warm up in a packed capacity MEMS Priestfield Stadium. Both schools took their places and set themselves up to take their spot kicks which were all different but spectacular in their own ways, along with the Goalkeepers who were brave as they both shot off their line to close down the oncoming striker.  The shoot-out finished 5-2 to Sherwin Knight Junior School.

As usual we would like to thank both schools for taking part in the competition and good luck to Sherwin Knight Junior School for the quarter final which will take place on the 9th March 2013 when Gills face Plymouth Argyle.

Next up will be St Benedicts Primary School and Ethelbert Road Primary School when Gills take on Port Vale on the 12th January 2013.

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