Paul Scally urges Gills fans to back Dai Liyanage for Crime Commissioner

Dear Supporters

We have a great opportunity this week to do something good for Kent.

You may know that on Thursday there is an election for the new Police and Crime Commissioner.  This person will have a great deal of power - amongst other things, to sack the chief constable - so it's vital that we make sure the right person gets the job.

In my view, and that of a growing number of people across our home area, DAI LIYANAGE is that person.

I have known him for many years and can say that he is as 'straight as a Dai' when it comes to pursuing the truth with determination.

He is independent of political parties, knows the police and crime system well but is not an intimate part of it. While he was a member of the Kent Police Authority, he uncovered - and put right - police corruption and held the chief constable to account about a gun and ammunition that went missing from a police station.

In this way, he has the right background, skills and character to do a great job as our Commissioner.

Not only that, but he is a committed fan of Gillingham Football Club!

Please make Dai Liyanage your first choice for Police and Crime Commissioner on Thursday.

Kind regards
Paul D P Scally