Darren Hare reports on cup defeat...

This was another fabulous game of football from two teams trying to pass and move, play forwards at every opportunity, and create openings for goals.

On the day, Watford did it marginally better than us and this was reflected by the scoreline, but I was so pleased with the performance of so many of my young players.

Aaron Millbank opened the scoring for us and it looked like he was back to his old self after such a long time out with his knee dislocation, and we had many other opportunities to add to the lead before we conceded.

A solid defensive display, with Freiter dropping back into Central defence for this game was very positive. Their second goal came about from the only lapse in concentration in the game, but hopefully the players will learn from it.

It was such a great game to watch and be involved in.

Team: O'Neill (Nalder 75), Romeo, Beale, Freiter, Lee, Blanchard, Haysman, Coates, Humber, Miller (Sellens 70), Millbank (Webster 60)