Striker says players will work hard to respond to defeat at Rotherham

Bayo Akinfenwa says the team must focus on the positive elements of their game in recent weeks rather than dwell on Saturday’s 4-1 defeat to Rotherham.

The striker came off the bench to replace Danny Kedwell and had an immediate impact as he set up Cody McDonald’s goal on 66 minutes.

He is hoping he can start to regularly feature in the Gills league encounters and is determined to work hard on the training ground to force his way in to first team consideration.

He said: “I came on, flicked it on and Cody scored and maybe we thought that was the revival starting but a couple of minutes later they got the fourth and that knocked the stuffing out of us.

“It’s disappointing any time you lose and I felt we were beaten well. We didn’t start right and it’s hard to come back from 3-0 down.

“I thought we came out in the second half with the right attitude but I think the damage was done in the first half so it’s hard to take but we go again on Monday and we’ll get back on the training field.

“The gaffer is meticulous at what he wants done, Notts County is our next game and we go again.

 “You can only keep working hard and try to put things right.”

Bayo was asked why he felt the Gills were finishing games better than they are starting them.

He added: “I can’t put my finger on it but I’m sure the gaffer will talk through it and where we can try and tweak little things because we are finishing much stronger than we are starting.

“We will get it right, it’s still a transitional stage that we are going through and you can see bits that are positive and we need to focus on those.

“Football is about different methods, the gaffer is still getting his points across. Rome wasn’t built in a day so it won’t happen straight away but we are working hard.

“Hopefully we can get the three points against Notts County and we’ll be looking up rather than down.”

Akinfenwa’s starting chances have been limited due to the impressive Danny Kedwell, but he says he will do his utmost to make the most of his opportunities when they come along.

He said: “I want to be on the pitch but I’ve been in the game for a while and the only way you can try and change things is by working hard in training and when you do get your chance you need to try and take it.

“But when you have Keds who has been unbelievable and scoring goals you can’t go and knock on the gaffer’s door because that’s what strikers are there to do.

“The gaffer is cool, you can’t not respect his pedigree and what he’s done in the game and he wants to play the game in the right way.

“He wants us to enjoy the ball more and you can’t knock that, I haven’t got a bad word to say about him and we will get it right. It won’t be easy, he has said there will be ups and downs and that’s how it is in Football.

“When I got the nod to come on you want to try and make an impact to give the place a lift. We are defined by playing Football so you want to be on the pitch, but it’s a team game.

“We have got a good squad here and we have good strikers and you need to push each other to try and get better.”

You can read Peter Taylor’s post match thoughts by clicking here.