Full back disappointed to concede last minute goal but happy to clinch a point

Joe Martin said the squad must take the positives having earned a point in the 2-2 draw against Peterborough on Saturday at MEMS Priestfield Stadium.

Joe’s free kick brought the scores level at 1-1 after the interval, and Cody McDonald then put the Gills in front with a fantastic header with 20 minutes to go.

stole a point right at the death for the visitors.However Britt Assombalonga got his second goal of the game for Posh when his clever back heel following a stoppage time corner

promotion chasing side was a good result.Although disappointed Joe said a draw against a

Speaking to the club’s official website he said: “I thought we dug in, it was always going to be a tough day against a good team and we knew that coming in to it.

“They have beat a couple of teams 5-0, it didn’t really go to plan in the first half, but in the second half we got the two goals.

“We’ve got to take the positives; it was a bit of a sucker punch right at the end which took the gloss off a bit but we got a point against a good team so we move on now to Tranmere.

“Last week we shouldn’t have lost, we had a few cleared off the line and we were a bit unlucky that one didn’t go in. Now we have changed it completely and we could have got another one at the end which would have given us a cushion.

“It’s difficult to feel up after conceding in the last minute so it was a little bit down [dressing room atmosphere] because we are trying to get three points every game and when you are so closer and concede in the last minute it’s difficult to take.

“We’ll take the positives form the game; we have taken a point from a very good team so we move on.

“We are creating chances and we are getting there, we’re progressing.”

Martin netted his second free kick of the season, converting a set piece from just outside the box to level the game up, and he felt it was a perfect time to score as it gave the hosts some much needed momentum.

He added: “That was my free-kick; it’s something that I work on in training. When I get time I practice my free kicks because they can be important. Today we were 1-0 down and struggling a bit so it gave us something to work from and pick the crowd up a little bit which we needed aswell.

“It got us back on the right track; it was good for myself to get a free kick but the main thing is that it was good for the team.”

The Christmas period now closes in with the Gills having five games in 16 days to contend with, but Joe is pleased to see Jake Hessenthaler and Bradley Dack progressing.

He added: “It will be difficult physically; it will be an important four or five games over Christmas. We need to pick up a few points and get us up that league which will give us a bit of breathing space.

“We are just not quite having the luck at the minute but one or two games might just turn it for us.

“I have been really impressed with Jake this year, he has really come on. He was good last week and it’s not easy for someone to come in to these games.

“Dacky is looking good aswell, he has played a few more games so we have a couple of young boys in the team now who are doing well and the future looks bright.”

here.To watch Joe’s exclusive post match interview click