Gills striker determined to impress...

Gills striker Danny Kedwell has revealed he would like to finish his career at Gillingham, the club he has supported since a boy.
The 29-year-old is the club’s top goal scorer this season and netted last week in the 2-1 defeat to Port Vale at MEMS Priestfield, and Kedwell is determined to keep improving as he looks to help propel the Gills in to the higher divisions.
He said: “I’d love to finish my career here, I’m a local boy and it’s the club I support. In football you never know what is around the corner so I need to be doing the best I can for this club.
“That’s what I would like because I’m enjoying it here and all my friends are here supporting me and it’s a really good buzz to play for your local club and I’d love to stay and push as much as I can.
“I tell kids when I see them now because they ask what it’s like [playing for your boyhood club]. My little boy plays football too and I say back `if you keep doing what you’re doing then you could be doing it one day. `
“I’ve done alright lately and I was top goal scorer last year and I am again this year so I must be doing something right. That’s what I need to go in to each game thinking to myself, be positive and not feeling too nervous thinking `when is a goal going to come?”
Danny admits that he does need to score more from open play, but also believes the penalties he has converted this season have been as important as any other goal.
He said: “Penalties are still goals, it doesn’t matter how you score and you still have to put it away and the best players in the world miss penalties and it’s not easy.
“People think it is because it’s just 12 yards with the keeper to beat but it’s not.
“It’s nice to score from open play and I know in myself that I need to score more but I’ve been in and out of the team and it’s very hard to get momentum going and obviously keeping your match fitness up so I went through a bad patch for a couple of months.
“The gaffer gave me a start in the biggest game of the season and I got that goal, we lost but I’m happy with my own performance.
“We are all in it together but I’m a Gillingham fan so I don’t care how we win whether I’m playing or not, just as long as we win and we get promoted. It’s tough because you want to play every game and play as much football as you can.
“Especially when you’re getting that bit older but as long as we are near the top I’m not too bothered.”