Information on this season's competition run by npower...


Ever dreamt of seeing your school play football at Wembley Stadium on one of the biggest weekends of the sporting calendar? The npower Football League Cup is a 6-a-side competition for pupils aged under 11 that culminates in three finals across the npower Football League Play-Off weekends in May 2013.
It’s not just about the glory…..
npower and the Football League believe our Kids Cup can help by highlighting to pupils the importance of teamwork, the fun of playing football and the rewards of participation and achievement.

We understand that the glory of a National Final is great for everyone involved and are committed to ensuring that as many schools take part as possible. npower and the Football League are keen to see 2500 schools participate in the Kids Cup competition this season with 25,000 pupils experiencing this opportunity.  
At every stage there are some great prizes for schools to win such as team kits and footballs, along with medals, trophies and certificates so all participants can remember their achievement of taking part in one of the country’s largest national football competitions.
When and where is the local stage of the tournament being held?

The tournament will be taking place on Wednesday 23rd January 2013 at UK Paper Sports Ground, Gore Court Road, Sittingbourne, Kent. ME10 1QN (arriving at 9:45am for a 10:00am start, aiming to finish by 2:00pm).

How to get involved…..

Getting involved couldn’t be simpler. If you want your school team to take part in the Kids Cup tournament, you need to arrange a team with a maximum of eight pupils in the team. Each child must be under 11 on the 1st September 2012 (Y6 or below). Once you have your team, please complete the registration form and return to the address below by no later than Friday 18th January 2013.

Places are limited for the tournament and will be filled on a first come first serve basis. Once we have received your registration form we will email you confirmation of receipt and a list of rules and regulations for the tournament along with directions to UK Paper Sports Ground.
The winner of the local tournament will go onto represent Gillingham F.C. at the Regional Finals against winning schools from other community schemes which will be played w/c 11th March 2013 and hosted by AFC Wimbledon. 
If you would like further information please do not hesitate to contact The Community Trust on or 01634 350125.


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Registration forms should be returned to;
Adam Lawrence
Community Sports & Education Foundation
Gillingham Football Club
MEMS Priestfield Stadium
Redfern Avenue
Kent. ME7 4DD

Fax: 01634 850986