Gillingham hand free transfers to four development squad players

After consultation with the Manager, Martin has confirmed that Alex Brown, Tom Brunt, Jack Evans and George Humber have been released by the club.

Martin said, “George has done really, really well,” he said. “He has a great energy, a great attitude to training; he has some brilliant technical skills and can open a game up by making a chance out of nothing.

“I just feel it will be better for George to get out playing games and develop as a player as opportunities with such a strong squad are limited.”

“Tom Brunt was superb a couple of weeks ago when we beat Millwall Reserves 3-2 and he scored two goals from central midfield. It was a very difficult decision but I feel it is best for Tom to make a move now in to regular men’s football as we have some very good young midfield players ahead of him.”

 “Alex Brown has been very unlucky with injuries and has been totally dedicated and a very good professional footballer with a great attitude, but we have several young midfield players ahead of him and I felt his opportunities will be limited.”

“Jack has been a superb professional, totally dedicated, staying focussed and hungry but it has been very difficult with the emergence of a top quality full back in front of him.

“At Jack’s age he needs to play regular football, especially after doing so well last year for the first team. He has played really well in our recent games and this was yet another very tough decision.”

Gillingham Football Club would like to thank Alex, George, Jack and Tom for their efforts and we wish them the best of luck in their future careers.