Martin talks to the press after today’s defeat at Woking

The Gills ended pre-season with a 3-0 loss at Woking today and after the final whistle Martin gave us his assessment of the match, “I thought we played really well in the second-half, we were a little bit unlucky with a couple of decisions that went against us but we won’t go into those in detail.

“I thought we did ok in the first-half without really creating too much and from their one chance they scored. We had a few good little efforts in the first-half but the second–half was much, much better and I don’t think the scoreline was a true reflection of the game.

“The game was just what we needed. That’s why we came here and why we arranged this fixture. We knew the type of game it was going to be and what a good game it was for us. It was a great reminder that you have to do the basics right and it was ­a good workout for us.”

Martin admits today’s result was hard to take but knows that his players will be desperate to bounce back, adding, “I just want to win our games. I hate losing. I don’t like losing and the players are upset about losing too.

“We played much, much better second-half, we played very well against Crystal Palace from start to finish so we’re getting close to it and we’ll be ready come next week. The players are conscientious, they care, they train hard, they’re not big time and they are a great bunch of lads.”

It’s now just seven days to go until Gillingham start life League in League One with Colchester United heading to Priestfield next Saturday and Martin admits he’s looking forward to the challenge, “I can’t wait for next week.

“Some players today have done well, some players were not quite as good as they can be but that’s going to happen at this time of year but next Saturday is the day when the competition starts so the players will be ready.

“We’ll carry on the same this week as we were going to do from Day One. The trainings been planned, we’re in Monday, double session Tuesday, off Wednesday, probably a bit of a double session Thursday, light training on Friday then straight into the next game.”