Great news on two of our Take Heart Mercy Mission children

Everyone at Gillingham Football Club was delighted to hear the latest news regarding two of our Take Heart Mercy Mission children, Pawani and Taneesha.

Take Heart Mercy Mission is the Gills official club charity and raises funds to send doctors and medical staff from the world renowned Evelina Children’s Hospital in London, to Galle in Sri Lanka where they conduct life-saving surgery on local children with serious heart conditions.

Both Pawani and Taneesha were assessed by the Take Heart team during our 2010 Mission, and were diagnosed with life threatening conditions that required heart surgery. Indeed Taneesha’s pulmonary hypertension was so serious that the Team were concerned that she would not recover.

So we were all delighted to learn this week from her father Kumara that Taneesha is “very well” and that she “is very active girl and growing up step by step” as the fantastic picture above shows.

Meanwhile everyone at GFC and Take Heart would like to send our best wishes to young Pawani who celebrated her Fifth Birthday earlier this month. Her mum tells us that, following essential surgery on the 2010 Mission, Pawani is now in excellent health and attending pre-school.

To read about more of our success stories, learn more about the great work of the Mercy Mission Team or to make a donation to the 2013 Mission click the box below.