Martin Allen says injured players must be ready before competing

Martin Allen has revealed that Charlie Allen, Andy Frampton and Myles Weston could all be missing again for this weekend’s visit of Plymouth Argyle.

All three sat out the weekend’s game at Aldershot due to their various injuries, and Martin told the awaiting press following the 1-1 draw on Saturday what the situation is.

He said: “We have a few injuries at the moment to Weston, Allen and Frampton so that’s three good players missing but the lads are really doing well and I’m proud of them all.

“Charlie Allen has been to see the consultant and he needs to rest for another two weeks because the fracture hasn’t healed how he wanted. It’s still sore when he puts his hand down or opens a door.

“Andrew Frampton is OK, he’s had a brain scan for repetitive headaches and problems, he hasn’t felt right so I’m sure all of the supporters respect the fact that I’m not going to play him and he won’t train until I get a full clearance from the consultant next week that he’s going to be OK.

“I want to win the games and want our club to do well but Andrew Frampton is a normal human being and it’s very important that he has a full recovery, and at the moment it’s no.

“Myles Weston has hurt his ankle so I don’t know when he’s going to train so we’ll see how he is at the end of the week.”

One player who did impress when he came on was Antonio German who made his second appearance for the Gills since signing on loan from Brentford last week, and Martin was more than satisfied with the impression he made on the team.

He added: “He must be the first German to play for Gillingham isn’t he? When he came on he made a big difference and it was great to see him come on and what a mark he made on our team – I don’t mean that in any discredit to the players that came off, but I thought he was superb.

“I used to watch him play for QPR’s youth team when he was about 13 so I’ve known him for a long time.”

Martin has also known Leon Legge for a long time and it was the defender who grabbed the equaliser during the second half of the game at the EBB Stadium, and the Manager praised the centre-back for the progress he has made since joining the club in January.

He said: “He’s been colossal hasn’t he, it’s taken a few weeks because he hasn’t played for ages – it took a few weeks to get going up to match speed but he’s getting better and better and thankfully all of the players that we have signed so far have all played their part.

“It was always going to happen at some point, they are all so committed to our team and they work so hard together. Even if we don’t play well we will always be hard to beat, when it gets to this stage of the season it’s another week gone and another game gone.”