Manager praises backroom team for consistent efforts

Gills boss Martin Allen has paid tribute to the members of his backroom staff who have left no stone unturned to ensure the players are prepared properly for every game.

Martin was accompanied in his pre-match press conference by Fitness Coach James Russell and First Team Physio Gary Hemens, and the Manager explained how hard they have been working recently to make things better at the club.

He said: “These two went to University and they’ve got four degrees between them!

“Imagine what it’s like working with me, they work hard. I don’t think they like me as I moan all the time, it is never good enough, they have always got to do more and find different ways of doing things.

“And it’s that attention to detail and OCD x2 and they don’t get the credit they deserve.

“Injuries can happen all the time but these two lads together with Scoy, Muggs and myself we do all the exercises and the work.

“I met James at Notts County; he was an intern and used to sit on the side of the pitch. I said to Mr. Scally it would be great to get someone with a bit of experience.

“He hasn’t got any, we took him from scratch – he did some time at lower league clubs like Rochdale and over in America.

“He hadn’t had a proper job like this one so to come in from last pre-season and just go `bang` full on with the first team is a massive step forward for him.

“Gaz came in two months in to last season but joking apart he had been working in a hospital for 10 years so to make that leap and come and work here is a massive change.

“He has done a remarkable job in the year he has been with us – he has adapted, listened and learned and has to re-adapt his training and skills to do things in a professional football club.

“Both have been pushed in to the fast lane straight away and normally they would have worked with the youth team for a couple of years or an academy, but they stepped straight in to first team level and, god bless them, they have been fantastic and we are very lucky to have them.

“We have got interns to help but they’ve had to wait a year because they [the staff] have to get to grips with their own jobs before they can train other people to help take the workload.

“It’s the attention to detail that we have put in to place and we work hard to make sure everything is covered to ensure our players are looked after professionally, treat them like they play for Man Utd. I don’t want second class; we want to be the best.

“These two are the best. We have sharpened our tools; the players have responded fantastically well and we are ready to go again.”

here.Watch the first part of Thursday’s press conference