We want your clips and videos for the GFC Official YouTube channel!
Going to Coventry on the coach this Sunday with your mates? Filmed something funny at the football? Then why not send your files to our media team and we will upload them to the GFC Official YouTube channel.
That's just what Gills fan Steve Griffiths did and sent us this fantastic video of our supporters celebrating Danny Kedwell's penalty strike at Crawley. So watch the video below and get inspired to start filming.
Websites such as WeTransfer.com and mailbigfile.com allow you to easily send large video clips to us at media@priestfield.com including videos that would be too large to send in a normal email. So what are you waiting for? Your Gills, Your Channel.
So whether you filmed yourself singing in the Rainham End, or hanging out with the lads at training, we want to see your footage.