Gills striker Danny Kedwell says the club's strikers are unaware who will be preferred partnership for opening fixture

  • Kedwell says all strikers at the club are in the same boat
  • Gills number nine happy with blend of youth and experience
  • Danny to respect Peter Taylor's team selection


Danny Kedwell says Manager Peter Taylor has given no indications as to who will be his preferred striking duo for the opening game of the league season.

Danny Kedwell, Cody McDonald, Luke Norris and the in form Antonio German are all vying to be in the starting XI at stadium:mk, but the Gills number nine believes the players must focus on their performances.

He said: “We are all in the same situation - I played with Antonio a couple of times and Luke and played with Cody before as well. The manager isn’t giving anything away and we just need to keep doing as best as we can as individuals and we will see what comes.

“It is down to him who plays and whatever he picks I will be there, even if I am not playing, I will be there supporting the lads."

Kedwell believes there is a good blend of youthful and experienced players and is looking forward to playing alongside them.

He added: “It is good to have those young lads around you. Those young players he has got in do talk as well, they are not as shy as they used to be when I was a kid.

“They have come in and even Kortney Hause [new signing from Wolves] has been talking straight away and it’s great for us. I am here to help them as much as I can with the experience I have.

“There a few that will give you a bit of banter but when I was younger you wouldn’t get away with it, you would get a bit of a back-hander. They are good boys and they have great futures. I am looking forward to playing with them.”