Gills help to celebrate Kick it Out’s 20th year at our Game of Action

Last Saturday saw Gillingham Football Club hold its annual Kick It Out Game of Action. The club and the Community Trust had organised a variety of activities to help support and promote the message in Kick It Outs 20th year.

During the warm up, both teams showed their support for the message by wearing the One Game One Community t-shirts, and the ball boys from Bredhurst Juniors also carried the Kick It Out banner around the edge of pitch.

In the weeks leading up to the game against Port Vale, students from all over the country had sent in their entries to our T Shirt design competition, with over 500 designs received from primary and secondary schools. 

Picking a winner was incredibly difficult and so two were chosen, and had their designs made up into T-shirts.  Just before kick-off the two competition winners were invited pitch side and were presented with a t-shirt with their designs by Kick It Out’s Director Roisin Wood who was our guest for the game.

As the teams made their way out for kick-off the competition winners could see the seven Gills substitutes wearing t-shirts with their designs on. We would like to thank all of the competition entrants and everyone who was involved in our Game of Action, and look forward to supporting the message going forward.