FA Development Team offer their support the coaching staff at Gillingham Football Club

This week, two of the six regional PE & Coaching in Education Coordinators appointed by the FA, came to Gillingham to support the GFC Community Coaches with a morning of CPD (Continuing Professional Development).

The session acted as an introduction to the Association for Physical Education (afPE) qualification, which is the only physical education subject association in the UK. 

It is also recognised as being the representative organisation of choice for people and organisations delivering or supporting the delivery of physical education in schools and in the wider community.

afPE recently announced to schools that: “Any adult working alongside teachers in a Physical Education or School Sport capacity and leading sessions unsupervised – should be qualified to a Level 2 National Governing Body Award and working toward a Level 3 Physical Education and School Sport certificate or equivalent” – The expectation is that this requirement will be complied with by 2015. 

The Gillingham FC Community Trust is committed to supporting this belief and each of the coaches working in schools will soon be working towards this goal.

Mark Swales and Spencer Leach both came to visit the GFC coaches and gave them a taster as to what to expect from the course, as well as some useful pointers to develop their approach to coaching.

Mark commented: “It will be a pleasure to work with GFC and developing their knowledge and understanding of the school environment.

"It is vital that we do all we can to support schools in the delivery of PE and GFC is well on the way to developing a work force that is highly skilled and prepared for the new National Curriculum in PE."

You can find out more about what the Community Team have been up to here.

And to find out more about the afPE please visit this link:
