Gills centre-back John Egan raring to go after joining the club on a free transfer

Gills new signing John Egan says he is eager to improve under the management of Peter Taylor.

Egan, 21, joined the club earlier this month and has already featured for the team twice during pre-season games against Folkestone and Bromley.

The centre-back, formerly of Sunderland, is now looking forward to a settled period having spent time on loan at various league clubs.

Speaking to the club website he said: “As soon as I came and met the Manager I had a positive chat with him and the outlook was good.

"I knew I wanted to come to Gillingham because it’s a good club in a good league, it’s going in the right direction and hopefully I can fit into the plans.

“He made me feel very welcome so it was an easy decision and I’m delighted to be here. I’m now looking forward to getting games under my belt and get as high up the table as we can.”

Egan signed just in time to join his new team-mates on a pre-season training camp in Colchester, and he said it was good to get know the rest of the players away from the pitch.

He said: “It went very well; the training was hard but we all worked well and the best thing was that we all got to know each other. A lot of new signings have come in so we needed those five days away just to gel and get to know each other better.

“We had a round of golf, had a drink and something to eat and if we can keep the spirit good then hopefully we will have a good season.”

Egan will be contesting for a centre-back spot along with Adam Barrett, Callum Davies and Leon Legge but he says competition for places is a positive thing.

He added: “You need competition; it’s healthy because it improves you as a player. Everyone wants to be on the pitch so you’re under pressure to perform very week and you need someone behind you to push you on and make you better.

“If you don’t do the business there is someone else there to come in.”

For John’s full interview sign up to Gills Player.