Peter Taylor says he won't rule out offering a deal to Gary Borrowdale if the full back can prove his fitness during pre-season

Peter Taylor says Gary Borrowdale has a good chance of earning a contract at the club if he can prove his fitness.

Borrowdale worked with Peter at Crystal Palace and has played in the Premier League for the same club, and after failing to make a first team appearance during his spell at Priestfield last season, Taylor has challenged the full back to show what he can do in the coming weeks.

Speaking to the club website he said: “I’m not concerned about him on the ball as I know exactly what he can do, but it’s about his fitness levels defensively.

“I’ve just got to see if he’s fit enough to do that and that’s his test – he knows he will have a chance of getting a contract if he gets to the levels we want but will also hold his hands up if it doesn’t work.

“I haven’t given him a date, when he first came back for pre-season he was looking for an earlier date but he did more heavy weights rather than fitness work in the summer and I think that was the wrong decision.

“We’ve got him doing other things and longer runs. He needs to get his body back to how it was.”