Peter Taylor talks about England's chances during the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil

Gills boss Peter Taylor believes England have `a good squad` as they prepare for their first match of the World Cup against Italy on Saturday evening in Manaus.

Taylor, who managed the national side for one match in 2000 against the same opponents, believes Roy Hodgson has a good blend of youthful and experienced players and is looking forward to seeing them in action.

He said: “I like the look of our squad, I think we have a nice balance and blend with the youth and experience and they will need each other.

“The young ones will need calming down but the experienced ones will need their legs at times, but I think it’s a good squad.

“Of course we need our top players in top form and I know Wayne Rooney has taken a little bit of criticism which I’m surprised about, but ideally we could do with him in top form as the player we know he is.

“Sturridge missed three good chances the other night but hopefully he’s saving the goals for Saturday against Italy.

“Whenever you approach a match, as much as you don’t admit it, you are always pleased with a selection headache because that means you’ve got a decent squad and have some options.”

For Peter’s interview in full click here.