Justin Edinburgh reveals his thoughts after being named Gillingham's new Manager

Justin Edinburgh has set an ambition to try and over achieve after agreeing to be the club’s new Manager on a two-and-a-half year deal.

The 45-year-old was unveiled to the press on Saturday afternoon prior to the Gills 2-0 win over Sheffield United, and took training for the first time on Monday at Beechings Cross.

The former Spurs defender is pleased to retain the services of Andy Hessenthaler and Steve Lovell, and is eager to look up the table rather than down.

Speaking to the media he first of all described his feelings after the move had finally been announced.

He said: “Exciting is the first word and it’s been a little bit of a long process but one where everyone has conducted themselves professionally and correctly. I’m delighted to be Manager of the Football Club and it’s another step up for myself on the ladder.

“I’m obviously delighted with Andy and Steve accepting the offers and staying on board with myself and I think it would have been daft not to have tapped into that wealth of knowledge in terms of Gillingham Football Club itself.

“Hess has managed in the Championship and I can only learn from that. I’m a young Manager that’s got a lot to learn but is willing to do that.

“It’s a great mix – myself being a defender, Steve a striker and Andy a midfield player so we will all have good ideas to bounce off each other. I really look forward to the task at hand; it’s stability but my leadership and own ideas will be implemented as we go along.

“Right now there isn’t a lot that needs to be changed too much because these guys have brought a lot out of these younger players. That’s the excitement for me, the youth and enthusiasm the players have shown when I have watched them of late.”

Justin was asked what it was about Gillingham specifically that enticed him to move to Priestfield.

He said: “First and foremost it’s a step up for me and that was clear. The Chairman’s drive and ambition for the club and the future was clear to see and after watching the squad closely there is development here and it’s a club that I played against in the Championship.

“The fan base is here, the ambition is here and the Chairman said there is a ship ready to sail that needs a Captain and I feel I am the man to do that.

“We’ve got to look up rather than down, that’s me as a person. You need to have an ambition to try and over achieve and that’s the task we’ll set to the players. If you do that then you’re going to be successful.

“You’ve got to play to the strengths of the players, there is a team here full of enthusiasm – maybe we need to tighten up without the ball.

“Your philosophy has got to be winning football matches with a certain style but winning breeds confidence and any person that has played football knows that plays a major part in the way you play.”