St. Thomas of Canterbury Catholic Primary School are the latest team to advance to the next round of the half time shootout competition

Last week we were pleased to welcome St Thomas of Canterbury Catholic Primary School and Canterbury Road Primary school to Priestfield to take part in the first round of the popular Half Time Shoot-out competition.

The players on each team were allowed seven seconds to score from the edge or the penalty area by either dribbling the ball forward for a one on one opportunity with the goalkeeper, or simply firing from range and going for glory.

Before the shoot-out began, both teams were invited into the stadium to go over the rules and get changed into their school team colours, this was followed by the players lining up in the tunnel where nerves started to show, with one of the lads saying ‘’ I really hope I don’t miss.’’

After a short warm up, the two teams were called over to the edge of the penalty area where the shoot-out began.

All the players gave a good performance in front of the Rainham End crowd, who enjoyed a thrilling encounter, with some fantastic saves from the keepers and some skilful goals, which resulted in St Thomas of Canterbury securing the win and advancing into the Quarter Finals of the competition.

A big thank you for both teams taking part and good luck to St Thomas Of Canterbury Catholic Primary in the Quarter Finals. 

The half-time shoot-out competition will be back on the 7th February to welcome St William Of Perth Catholic Primary School Take on Brompton Westbrook Primary School when the Gills face Sheffield United at the MEMS Priestfield Stadium.