Gills Coach reveals the management are pleased to have extended two loan deals on transfer deadline day

Mark Patterson says the Gills management staff are pleased to have extended the loans of centre-back Max Ehmer and striker John Marquis.

The duo extended their deals from QPR and Millwall respectively until the end of the season on Monday, and Mark says it provides the team with more options in all areas.

He said: “We are pleased that QPR and Millwall have let us extend their loans until the end of the season. The two lads have done a good job since they have been with us.

Max has been solid for us at the back and has been doing well in the time he had with us while John has obviously scored some important goals – we’ve got him and Cody at the minute but we’ve also got Luke Norris, Brennan Dickenson and Antonio German.

“They’ve all got ability and if called upon hopefully they can do the same as John has done and score a couple of goals and it’s important we continue to take the chances that are being created.

“It’s nice to have the options – Jermaine got a good goal down at Bristol and Bradley weighed in with one on Sunday night so the goals are coming from different avenues of the team but it’s always good to have all your strikers doing well up front.

“We are trying to create an environment where the strikers are competitive and hopefully they will keep doing what they’re doing until the end of the season.”

As for the injury to Joe Martin the management have confirmed that he hasn’t broken his ankle, but does have bruising on the bone which may keep him out of action for at least a week.

Mark added: “Apparently it’s not as bad as first feared so hopefully we will see him back training and playing in the near future.”

The left back hobbled off against Bristol City in the Johnstone’s Paint Trophy, with Doug Loft taking his place in defence for the trip to Walsall.