Chairman Paul Scally delivers a Club Statement

“In September of last year, the FA charged the Club and myself with bringing the game of football into disrepute. That charge arose out of the termination of Mark McCammon’s employment by the Club back in January 2011. A Regulatory Commission, appointed by the FA, considered the charges at a two day hearing in April of this year. 

I was informed yesterday morning, by the Club’s lawyers, that (among other sanctions) the FA Commission has decided to impose a £75,000 fine on the Club and a separate £75,000 fine on me personally. I am shocked, stunned and angered by this decision, as are my staff at the Club. The level of these sanctions is manifestly excessive, totally disproportionate and completely unjust. We have been given no reasoned explanation for the severity of the fines. The Club and I will be appealing against this decision and, if necessary, we will take the matter beyond the FA.

It is important to emphasise that, in the written reasons for its decision, the Regulatory Commission states: “We see no evidence which supports a conclusion that there was any actual race discrimination against Mr McCammon.”

Neither the Club nor I intend to make any further comment at this stage.”