Gills boss delighted with victory as club go top of League One

Justin Edinburgh described the 1-0 win over Doncaster on Saturday as the best of the season following Jake Hessenthaler’s second half strike.

Gillingham returned to the top of League One after clinching maximum points despite missing three of the team’s usual defensive line-up.

Doug Loft volunteered to play at centre-back alongside Max Ehmer, and considering the late changes that had to be made; Edinburgh was thrilled with the result.

After the game he said: “I’ve just said to the players it was our best three points of the season. If you look at the disruption we had before kick-off, to lose three of our back four in quick succession prior to the game and put a central midfielder in at centre half was credit to the group.

“They’ve been asked a lot of questions and come up with the right answers. I’m absolutely delighted; I think it was our best win of the season.”

Justin elaborated on the injury situation, with two of his first choice defenders failing late fitness tests.

He added: “Deji and Brennan picked up knee injuries; Deji after he scored last week – he got clattered by the goalkeeper and Brennan got his knee caught in the ground.

“We felt that they would be both be OK for the game, we had no real concerns but as yesterday drew closer they didn’t pass their fitness tests.

“John, at the end of training, felt he had a tight thigh and we didn’t feel we could take a chance with that.

“We had Max Ehmer and Bradley Garmston as like for like in terms of quality so there were no worries there.”

As for Loft slotting in at centre-back, the Manager praised his returning skipper for his leadership in putting himself forward.

He added: “Doug volunteered for that and that’s testament to the character he is and thankfully we kept a clean sheet and got the three points."

Jake Hessenthaler struck the winning goal with many of the visiting players believing the ball had not crossed the line.

Talking about the issue Justin said: “I can only say that the flag went up immediately so he must have been convinced the ball had crossed the line.

“I haven’t reviewed it as yet.”