Girls Academy up and running for the 2015-16 academic year

This week sees the return of our Girls Academy squad for the start of the new season and academic year.

Now in its second year, we welcomed eight first years to our squad, with a number of our current COE and COE graduates continuing on with their Education with us in the Academy.

A lot of the girls already knew each other through Centre football but everyone had the opportunity to meet at our recent Induction Day at Kicks Soccer Centre in Strood, where they took part in some team building exercises and everyone’s favourite, bubble football.

The week started off with some light yoga work before going over individual fitness and nutrition plans for the coming months. Then it was back in to the classroom to begin work on their modules for the new season. 

Tutor Nick Bearham said: "It’s great to have everyone back and fantastic to see players who have or are still at the Centre continue with us at the Academy.

"We’ve also welcomed some new faces but thankfully everyone knew someone so it was a very relaxed first day.

"The girls are an absolute pleasure to teach and I’m thoroughly looking forward to another season with them."

To find out more about our Girls Academy please click here.