First team players Stuart Nelson and Cody McDonald recently attended local Primary School, St Margaret’s COE Junior School to support their Sport Relief fund raising.

Over the last month the children have been busy swimming, cycling and running with the aim of reaching 7,152 miles, the distance to Malawi. The school have strong links with Malawi and have a partner school in the capital, Lilongwe and pupils from the school would also be helping to cover the distance.

Their find raising efforts officially began on 9th February and first team players Dominic Samuel and Elliott List helped kick-off the event as the children started their journey. 

Teacher Kim Bolden, who coordinated the fund raising said “It was great for us to have the players there to open our laps; the children had a huge task of trying to complete nearly 5000 km on the last day and it made it special for them to have familiar faces joining in. 

Stuart and Cody encouraged the children to keep running throughout the event and even joined them for a lap or two. While they were resting, they got involved with ticking off their tally sheets to help us keep a track of how far we had gone! 

What made the afternoon even better was that by the end of the 2 hours, we had managed to smash our 11580 km to Malawi and even ran over by 160km! 
We have raised over £2700 and still counting which has made this a really special event. It was a pleasure to have Gillingham FC support, both now, and on our launch day back in February.”

Congratulations and well done to all those involved in a fantastic effort.