Gillingham Manager Justin Edinburgh was upset after Gillingham succumbed to a 2-1 defeat in blazing Kent sunshine in the final game of the League One season in front of the largest crowd of the year.

Aiden O'Brien opened the scoring for Millwall, tapping in following a superb Nelson save. Gillingham equalised through a fantastic drive from John Egan, but John Gregory dispatched a Millwall penalty with the last kick of the game to win it for the away side. Mahlon Romeo also saw red on his return to Priestfield following a lunge on Brennan Dickenson.

The result means Gillingham finish ninth in the table and Edinburgh was disappointed that the season ended with another loss after a tough five months. 

The manager reflected on the Gills' final position commenting, “I think we're disappointed in terms of were we've ended up in. If I'm reflecting in a quick space of time, we've given everything and come up short of quality.

“We've ended with a defeat and it's hard to take.”

Edinburgh was quick to point out the highs of an eventful League One Campaign adding “I'd like to congratulate the players on a really good season.

“The players have been fantastic given it their all and it caught up with us,” the gaffer said, adding “we will gain valuable experience from playing at the top end of the table with this pressure.”

Changes will come in the summer and Edinburgh commented on the upcoming break commenting, “some of them [have played the last game for the club]. That's the exciting time for a manager in the summer. The ones that learn and continue to strive and come out of it, the ones that don't go and find their own level.”

Finally Edinburgh summed up the season adding “people could say we've thrown it away but there have been reasons. I have a great relationship with the chairman and the fans, we had some excellent performances. There's lots to be positive about.

“The bottom line is we haven't won enough football matches.”